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Event Calendar

Yoga & Cancer - Humble Warrior Power Yoga, Manchester, NH (& Virtual) w/Heather D

Friday, August 16, 2024
10:30 am11:30 am
155 Dow Street
STE 102
Manchester, AL 03101

W/ Heather DeAngelis

Heal: Yoga & Cancer classes include yoga postures, flowing movements and pranayama (focus on breath) to help students achieve relaxation and mobility in everyday life. Conscious effort to link breath with movement helps relieve tension and helps students gain flexibility and improve strength in the body.

Classes are free to anyone newly diagnosed, in cancer treatment, surgical recovery or in remission. Active caregivers are also welcome to attend as well as medical and radiation oncologists, advanced oncology providers and nurse practitioners providing direct oncology care to patients.

No yoga experience is necessary.

Many thanks to our Host Locations, YiA Allies and Partners

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