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Yoga Mala

Sunday, February 21, 2021
9:00 am12:00 pm
Livestream Event

Yoga Mala 2021

Date: Sunday, February 21st, 2021 

Time: 9:00am-12:00pm 

Place: Livestreamed from Rivermill Landing and Satellite locations.  

Join in person or from the comfort of your home!

Registration opens Friday December 4, 2020Time: 9:00am-12:00pm

The Yoga Mala is an uplifting celebration of community spirit. Since 2009, the Seacoast yoga community has come together annually in this joyful fundraising event. This three-hour yoga session is a taught by area teachers and includes 108 Sun Salutes, chanting, and meditation. Open to all levels of yoga students, chairs are provided upon request so all may participate.

Thank you to the thousands of yogis, present and past, and all additional donors for their efforts to support Yoga in Action’s mission to increase access to therapeutic yoga for at-risk and vulnerable populations in our Seacoast community. We envision a future where all members of our community have access to the profound therapeutic potential of yoga regardless of social, physical, and financial barriers.

Yoga in Action offers many specialized free or donation based yoga classes per week by both funding classes and supporting teachers who work with underserved populations. Yoga in Action’s yoga programs help promote resilience in our community by supporting youth at risk, individuals living with cancer, trauma survivors, people in recovery from substance use disorders, the incarcerated and more.

Email for questions about 2021 in kind donations and sponsorships!

Many thanks to our Host Locations, YiA Allies and Partners

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